Head lice at school. Has it ever happened to you? How do you deal with it? This post is in respond to the new policies in Washington state on head lice. The article “Should kids with head lice be allowed at school?” on CBS News talks about the “more” lenient” head lice policies at school that… Read more
Help your Family Prevent Head Lice
Help your family prevent head lice by following some tips we gave our friends at WCCO this morning. Edward Moody from WCCO, stopped over (along with Dave) to our Hopkins head lice center location to learn a few tips on how to prevent head lice. Christina demonstrated how our FDA cleared medical device works and… Read more
Heading Back-to-School Head Lice Free

Back-to-school is the time of the year where parents need to be aware of head lice. As kids go back to school, they may be bringing home more in their backpacks than their school books this September. They’re creepy, they’re crawly and they’re much more than an inconvenience. Ask any parent who has ever… Read more
Head Lice and Harry Potter
Head lice news always surprises us, and I am sure this will too. Did you know that an outbreak of head lice occurred among the young cast while filming “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”? We bet they wish they would’ve have Ladibugs products to remove the head lice fast and without chemicals…. Read more
Parenting Tips In Today’s Modern Society
BY: DONNA CHAFFINS Parenting is not an easy job. However, today’s morally corrupt society makes this task a lot harder. Fortunately, there are a number of things that you can do to help your child grow into a happy and well-adjusted adult. Below are some parenting tips that will help you out a lot:… Read more